Timothy Choi

Timothy Choi was a consultant on BASIC’s Emerging Technologies Programme from 2021 to 2022.

Timothy Choi is a PhD Candidate at the University of Calgary’s Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies, where his dissertation employs a broadened notion of sea control to analyze the influence of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea on the force structures and peacetime operations of three Arctic countries: Canada, Denmark, and Norway. His latest publication is “Danish Naval Evolution in the Arctic: Developments through the Unipolar Moment” in Kennedy and Wilson’s Navies in Multipolar Worlds by Routledge; he also has a chapter on Canadian maritime forces in Grey and White Hulls by Bowers and Koh, as well as articles on Arctic militarization in the Arctic Yearbook and Norwegian coast guard operations in Ocean Development and International Law. He is a fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute (CGAI) and the North American and Arctic Defence and Security Analysis Network (NAADSN), and also serves as a board member of the Canadian Naval Review and is also its Photo Editor. He has commented widely on Canadian shipbuilding and maritime security matters in Canadian and international media outlets.

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