Norman Moss is an author, journalist and broadcaster. He was born in London in 1928 but was raised and educated partly in New York. He is the author of a number of books on modern history and international affairs. He now lives in London. His first book, Men Who Play God: the Story of the Hydrogen Bomb, appeared in 1968 and was widely and well reviewed. The New Yorker called it “a detailed and sometimes brilliant account,” and the Wall Street Journal said “One wishes every responsible citizen would read it.” He has pursued a interest in this area ever since; he has written a biography of Klaus Fuchs, the atomic scientist who was also a spy, and a book about the spread of nuclear weapons. He also wrote a light-hearted British-American dictionary. and two books about Britain and America in the world, one about the summer of 1940, and one about .the post-1945 years, when global power passed from Britain to America. His books are characterised by the interaction of global events and their significance with the experiences of individuals.