Past Programmes
Quick Look
APPG on Global Security and Non-Proliferation
Technological Risk
Working towards a WMD Free Zone in the Middle East
Iran’s Nuclear Programme
Talking Trident Event Series
Trident Commission
Joint Project: Reducing the Role of Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Europe
Rethinking Nuclear Weapons
Strategic Dialogues
Shadow NATO Summits
APPG on Global Security and Non-Proliferation
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global Security and Non-Proliferation, which ran from 1999 to 2024, was a cross-party group of UK Parliamentarians encouraging discussion and debate on matters relating to global security and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction – whether nuclear, chemical or biological.
Technological Risk
Between 2015 and 2023, BASIC’s Technological Risk Programme monitored and assessed the impacts of disruptive technologies – such as cyber weapons, artificial intelligence, remote sensing, and drones – on nuclear command-and-control systems and delivery platforms, and provides analysis of their strategic implications and opportunities for control.
Working towards a WMD Free Zone in the Middle East
Between 2011-2019, BASIC worked with partners in the Middle East on developing constructive dialogues to further non-proliferation and disarmament in the Middle East and build prospects for a WMD-Free Zone. Below you will find a comprehensive list of our events and publications during this period.
Iran’s Nuclear Programme
Between 2003 and 2018, BASIC tracked and commented the issues related to Iran’s nuclear program. Concerned at the consequences for proliferation stemming from Iran’s lack of full disclosure on past activities, the IAEA Board of Governors and the UN Security Council have been attempting to prevent Iran from developing a full fuel cycle, but Iranian authorities have resisted.
Talking Trident Event Series
In partnership with WMD Awareness, BASIC set up the Talking Trident events series between 2014-2015 in order to encourage a wider public discussion about Trident and prospects for Trident renewal amongst Britain’s young people, encouraging more interaction in this critical issue
Trident Commission
From 2011-2014 BASIC coordinated an independent, cross-party commission to examine the United Kingdom’s nuclear weapons policy and the issue of Trident renewal. It’s final report and background papers were published on 1 July 2014:
Joint Project: Reducing the Role of Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Europe
Between 2010-2014, BASIC ran a series of joint projects on reducing the role of tactical nuclear weapons in Europe, supported by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.
Rethinking Nuclear Weapons
The Rethinking Nuclear Weapons Project sought to re-evaluate the utility of nuclear weapons as military and political tools. The project aimed to use pragmatic analysis to reshape thinking about these dangerous weapons.
Strategic Dialogues
Between 2012-2013, BASIC delivered a series of “Strategic Dialogues” in Washington DC, aimed at facilitating the exchange of different perspectives on nuclear weapons issues and deterrence theories. Experts share their views in “dialogue” rather than traditional “debate” format, with the aim of exploring commonalities rather than emphasizing differences.
Shadow NATO Summits
BASIC and partners organized a series of conferences, or shadow summits, with civil society actors to take place in parallel to the NATO Summits in 2009, 2010, and 2012.
Active Programmes
BASIC believes in making progress on nuclear disarmament, arms control, and non-proliferation through multiple complementary approaches. We continuously develop our programmes – streams of research – through sustained engagement with a wide range of stakeholders, collectively searching for the art of the possible.
Our current programmes are listed below. View the Programmes page by clicking here.