BASIC is pleased to announce the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Monitor, a new project being developed by our Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Programme.
Nuclear Arms Control and Disarmament

Announcement: BASIC Launches the Nuclear Transparency Index Project
BASIC is pleased to announce the Nuclear Transparency Index, a new project being developed by our Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Programme.

Ratifying Rarotonga and Pelindaba: A No-Brainer for the Biden Administration
Dr Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh argues that the Biden Administration should use its Democratic Senate majority to ratify the Rarotonga and Pelindaba treaties.

BASIC Co-Director Gives Remarks at the P5 Process
Sebastian Brixey-Williams, BASIC Co-Director, was invited to be a rapporteur at the P5 Process held in Paris.

BASIC Co-Director gives remarks at the Jeju Process
On November 11, 2021 BASIC Co-Director, Sebastian Brixey-Williams, was invited to give his remarks to…

Conventional Arms Control and Nuclear Security: The Challenge of Conventional Prompt Global Strike Weapons
Guest author, Peter Rautenbach, explores the challenges of Conventional Prompt Global Strike (CPGS) weapons, and looks to arms control to mitigate the ensuing risks.

BASIC Co-Director gives remarks at KAS Multilateral Dialogue and Atomic Reporters Study Programme Launch
On 7 July 2021 BASIC Co-Director, Sebastian Brixey Williams, was invited to give his remarks at the launch of the KAS Multilateral Dialogue and Atomic Reporters study programme, ‘A Neglected Story – The Legacy of Splitting the Atom.’

BASIC Co-Director Marion Messmer selected as Arms Control Negotiation Academy (ACONA) Fellow
We are delighted to share that BASIC Co-Director, Marion Messmer, has been selected for the Arms Control Negotiation Academy 2021-22 Fellowship.