
Testing Times for the Test Ban

This Friday, at the United Nations, foreign ministers from 100 countries will adopt a declaration promoting concrete actions to ensure the entry into force of the global treaty banning nuclear tests.

Apocalypse Never

If you have a nuclear addiction, Doctor Tad Daley has the cure. In his book “Apocalypse Never: Forging the Path to a Nuclear Weapon-Free World,” Daley explains the risks from the most dangerous weapons known to man, describes a nightmare scenario of escalating nuclear non-proliferation, and sets out the steps for their abolition. Why? Because, he argues, nuclear weapons are not needed in the modern world.

GAO reveals challenges ahead for U.S. commitments to NATO’s nuclear deployments

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) has warned that the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and the Department of Defense (DOD) could be in danger of failing to meet B61 Life Extension Program (LEP) goals and leave the United States unable to support its tactical nuclear deployments that are assigned to NATO.

Chernobyl remembered

Today marks the 25th anniversary of the nuclear accident at Chernobyl on April 26th 1986. Until the combined power of an earthquake and tsunami struck the Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan on March 11th, it was the world’s worst civilian nuclear catastrophe. There are key differences between the two: Chernobyl was caused by human error and technological failure, whereas the Japanese tragedy, which is still unfolding, was the result of a natural disaster on an epic scale.

Visions for a New Century

Just Launched!  Visions for a New Century is a short film taken at a BASIC event hosted at Brian Eno’s studio last year. Visions for a New Century is a collection of interviews around the issue of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. Interviewees include Peter Gabriel, Rory Bremner, Des Browne, Joe Cirincione from the Ploughshares Fund, Baroness Shirley Williams and Brian Eno.