
Taylor Barnes Headshot 1

Masterclass from Taylor Barnes: Eight Decades of the US Military-Industrial Complex: Trends in Domestic Job Creation, Working Conditions, and Organised Labour

On Wednesday 28th February, Taylor Barnes, from Inkstick Media, joined the Emerging Voices Network (EVN) to deliver an Expert Masterclass on ‘Eight Decades of the US Military-Industrial Complex: Trends in Domestic Job Creation, Working Conditions, and Organised Labour’. 

Website NR Compendium Video 1

Video: Compendium Discussion: Crisis Communications: Indian and Pakistani Perspectives on Responsible Practices

On Wednesday 23rd August, the BASIC-ICCS Nuclear Responsibilities Programme, in collaboration with the Centre for Security, Strategy and Policy Research (CSSPR) and the Institute of Peace & Conflict Studies (IPCS), hosted a virtual roundtable discussion of the Compendium ‘Crisis Communications: Indian and Pakistani Perspectives on Responsible Practices’.