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Report: Clashes of Perceptions: Bridging Perspectives on Security in Europe

Over the past 18 months, BASIC has undertaken in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Phase 2 Applying as Systematic Approach to NATO-Russia Risk Reduction that aimed at advancing the understanding of workable options for risk reduction and fostering new relationships between NATO and Russia.

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The Future Just Ain’t What it Used to Be: Emerging Trends and their Impact On the Future of Nuclear Weapons Policy and International Security

Putin’s apparent willingness to introduce nuclear weapons in a non-nuclear war is a watershed moment with implications beyond Europe and the West. In this article, Rishi Paul looks to Russia’s recent behaviour as a lens to understand what the future might hold in store, and draw out the potential implications for international security.

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Report: Applying a Systematic Approach to NATO-Russia Risk Reduction: NATO’s North-Eastern Flank Reacts to the War in Ukraine

‘Applying a Systematic Approach to NATO-Russia Risk Reduction: NATO’s North-Eastern Flank Reacts to the War in Ukraine’ is the third in a series of four reports that address the current threat assessments and perceptions of nuclear and conventional escalation risks in Eastern Europe and Russia.