Risk Reduction

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Report: NATO and Climate Change: Towards a Joint Understanding and Response

This report shows that different states have different approaches to climate change and security. It suggests that some states still consider climate change effects on security of less importance than traditional considerations, or perhaps that some states believe that adapting their war fighting ability to the effects of climate change is detracting from its primary responsibility of protecting and defending the state. 

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Report: Clashes of Perceptions: Bridging Perspectives on Security in Europe

Over the past 18 months, BASIC has undertaken in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Phase 2 Applying as Systematic Approach to NATO-Russia Risk Reduction that aimed at advancing the understanding of workable options for risk reduction and fostering new relationships between NATO and Russia.

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Report: Risks and Risk Reduction: A View from the South-eastern Flank

In September 2022, BASIC held a track 1.5 workshop in Sofia to discuss risk and threat assessments in South-eastern and Northern Europe. The workshop is part of the two-year project ‘Phase 2: Applying a Systematic Approach to NATO-Russia Risk Reduction’ that BASIC is undertaking in collaboration with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.