On Tuesday 9th August, BASIC, together with the Government of Sweden, will host an in-person Side Event in Room CR.C at the UNHQ in New York City on the Stepping Stones Approach.

BASIC Co-Director Marion Messmer Gave Her Remarks at the Launch of the Arabic Translation of the Gender Toolkit
Earlier this year, Laura Dunkley (Chatham House), Marissa Conway (CFFP) and Marion Messmer (BASIC) published…

Applying a Systematic Approach to NATO-Russia Risk Reduction: Announcing Phase 2 of the BASIC-Netherlands Collaboration
BASIC is delighted to announce that we are continuing our cooperation with the Ministry of…

Gender, Think-Tanks and International Affairs: a Toolkit
The Gender, Think-Tanks and International Affairs Toolkit has been jointly developed and published by BASIC,…

Report: Strategic Risk Reduction in the European Context
States have employed risk reduction strategies in order to manage some of the unintended consequences…

Parliamentary Briefing: House of Lords Debate on ‘Rising nuclear risk, disarmament and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty’
This parliamentary briefing was issued in advance of the Debate on the report from the International Relations Committee ‘Rising nuclear risk, disarmament and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty’, Tuesday, 16th of July 2019. This is an opportunity to consider the ways in which the UK can reduce nuclear risks globally, and engage in meaningful multilateral disarmament processes ahead of the 2020 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference.

Perspectives on the 2019 PrepCom
The APPG met on 22 May 2019 with Ambassador Aidan Liddle and BASIC Executive Director Paul Ingram to discuss the 2019 Non-Proliferation Treaty Preparatory Committee (NPT PrepCom) which took place from 30 April to 10 May at the UN.

Swedish Foreign Minister hosts ministerial meeting for Stepping Stones approach
On Tuesday, 11 June, Foreign Ministers from 15 countries meet in Stockholm to discuss how to make progress on nuclear disarmament. The impetus for this meeting is the Swedish ‘Stepping Stones’ implementation approach, which seeks to revive the blocked disarmament pathway in the Non-Proliferation Treaty.