
Abdul and Scooter and Dick

One more entry from Valerie Plame's book seems noteworthy. It appears that Dick Cheney was interested in Dr Khan, as well as Saddam Hussein. Jeez, Dick Cheney; as if Dr Khan didn't have enough problems. Read this excerpt from the very interesting afterword, written by Laura Rozen, the enormously capable reporter and blogger:

Syria and Dr Khan

It almost slipped by me but you will be happy to note that Dr Khan is an issue in the US presidential election; at least he is to one Republican candidate.

Dr Khan enters the presidential race

It almost slipped by me but you will be happy to note that Dr Khan is an issue in the US presidential election; at least he is to one Republican candidate.

Consider this exchange during the October 9, 2007 Republican Debate on economic issues.

MS BARTIROMO: Mayor Giuliani, foreign acquisitions in the United States are headed for a record in 2007.

You rang, Dr Khan?

Sometimes following the esoterica of the nuclear black market seems so weird that it seems like a scene out of the Addams Family. Let’s see: Dr Khan would be Gomez, the bright, energetic businessman; and, in a nice case of life imitating art (sort of), Lurch would be played by Lurch.

Okay, I used artistic license; it’s Lerch, Gotthard Lerch actually. Still, Lerch seemed to serve Dr Khan just as faithfully as Lurch served Gomez Addams. Here is some of what Mark Hibbs wrote about him the September 24 issue of Nuclear Fuels:

I’ll have the chestnuts, steamed fish, and No-dong missiles

I have previously mentioned the recent publication of the book DECEPTION: Pakistan, the United States and the Global Nuclear Weapons Conspiracy by Adrian Levy and Catherine Scott-Clark.

But since the October 7, 2007 Sunday Times (London) chose to review it. Let's look at this one excerpt.