Shadow NATO Summits

NATO’s Twin Crises

John Feffer, a panelist at the Shadow NATO Summit III in Washington earlier this month, wrote an article for IPS about the “existential and fiscal crisis” facing NATO. Feffer takes quotes and discussion points from panelists at the Shadow Summit, including Juliane Smith, deputy national security advisor to Vice President Joseph Biden. 

Amb. Francois Rivasseau at the Shadow NATO Summit

Ambassador Francois Rivasseau, member of the UN Secretary-General's disarmament advisory board, discusses US tactical nuclear weapons in Europe and NATO's nuclear weapon sharing arrangements at the Shadow NATO Summit hosted by BASIC, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, the Elliott School of International Affairs, NATO Watch, and Strategy International in Washington, DC on May 14 and 15, 2012.

Shadow NATO Summit

On May 14-15, BASIC joins the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, NATO Watch, and Strategy International at the Elliott School of International Affairs in Washington, DC for a Shadow NATO Summit. Experts and senior officials will grapple with the tough issues facing the Alliance ahead of next week's summit in Chicago.

The Shadow NATO Summit II: Civil Society Perspectives on the Lisbon Summit and NATO’s New Strategic Concept

In this second Shadow Summit, NATO officials, civil society and policy experts again gathered to examine the organization’s future and explore how civil society groups and parliamentarians could advance NATO-related policies and actions.

Click on the hyperlinks below to view the agenda and presentation documents from this event that was organized by NATO Watch, BASIC, Bertelsmann Stiftung, and ISIS-Europe, with support from the Marmot Charitable Trust.


NATO Shadow Summit II

The British American Security Information Council (BASIC), Bertelsmann Stiftung, International Security Information Service (ISIS), Europe and NATO Watch are organizing the NATO Shadow Summitt II in Brussels on 15-16 November 2010.   


The Shadow NATO Summit II

Civil Society Perspectives on the Lisbon Summit and NATO’s New Strategic Concept