On October 1, 2008 the US Congress passed the US-India Nuclear Cooperation Agreement. The long anticipated agreement would allow US companies to trade nuclear technology, information, and material to India. It has faced several hurdles, including first passing the US Congress in 2006, the Indian Parliament in July, the IAEA Board of Governors in August, and the Nuclear Suppliers Group in September. Controversy surrounds the agreement because, India is not an established member of the nonproliferation regime and it detonated nuclear devices in 1998.
The US-India agreement and its impact on the non-proliferation regime
The Indo–US civilian nuclear agreement allowing the United States to trade nuclear material, including fuel and information, has serious implications for the NPT, IAEA safeguards and the NSG.
India-US Nuclear Cooperation Deal: It’s baaaaack…
The supposedly dead US-India Nuclear Cooperation Deal resurrected itself during the first week of July.