The Stepping Stones Approach to Nuclear Disarmament Diplomacy Report provides a brief explanation of the core features of the Stepping Stones Approach, written by Paul Ingram, one of the Approach’s designers.

Report: Stepping Stones Approach to Disarmament
Paul Ingram’s new report provides his in depth account of the background to the philosophy underlying the Stepping Stones Approach — and responds to some common questions and criticisms around the SSA.

Stepping Back into the Dark Ages: Making Sense of the UK Decision to Expand its Nuclear Arsenal
British diplomats now will be in the dog house, and have a tough time ahead of them.

Parliamentary Briefing: House of Lords Debate on ‘Rising nuclear risk, disarmament and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty’
This parliamentary briefing was issued in advance of the Debate on the report from the International Relations Committee ‘Rising nuclear risk, disarmament and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty’, Tuesday, 16th of July 2019. This is an opportunity to consider the ways in which the UK can reduce nuclear risks globally, and engage in meaningful multilateral disarmament processes ahead of the 2020 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference.

A week in the life of BASIC
What does a small team in London dedicated to shifting the debate on nuclear disarmament worldwide do? We collected together a small number of representative activities we conducted in one week in June 2019.

Stockholm Syndrome: Looking to Escape the Nuclear Trap We’re Caught In
Whilst the public debate over nuclear disarmament tends to deal in black and white, the reality is that the nuclear disarmament process to which every member of the international community is committed to inevitably involves a complex set of steps that can be taken unilaterally, bilaterally and multilaterally.

Report: Stepping Stones to Disarmament – Making Progress in a Polarised International Climate
The Stepping Stones Approach seeks to engage all members of the international community in a cooperative and inclusive process that nudges the nuclear possessor states away from arms racing dynamics and in a more positive direction, with the intention of reducing the salience of nuclear weapons in postures, achieving incremental disarmament and progressively building up the capacity for further steps.