Obama and Cameron’s nuclear opportunity

BASIC's “This Week” article from March 12, 2012 by Rachel Staley was republished on Politics.co.uk. The article focused on the transatlantic relationship and ways in which Barack Obama and David Cameron can capitalize on nuclear issues during their two-day meeting in March.

BASIC 2011 Annual Activities Report

There was overwhelming momentum seen in 2010 on the international stage with numerous initiatives on arms control, nuclear non-proliferation, and disarmament. Unfortunately, this momentum was not as evident in 2011, as it seemed as though the international focus had shifted. Nevertheless, BASIC’s tempo was itself maintained into 2011 as we attempted to play our role in returning the focus to effective efforts to achieve nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament in the United Kingdom, United States, Middle East, and Europe. 

Strategic Dialogue on Nuclear Posture

The British American Security Information Council held its second strategic dialogue at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington, DC on September 18, 2012. Drs. Janne Nolan and Christopher Ford engaged in a dialogue on nuclear posture and accepted questions from the crowd. Introductions were done by Peter Huessy and Paul Ingram. Click on the video below to listen to the event.