
Taylor Barnes Headshot 1

Masterclass from Taylor Barnes: Eight Decades of the US Military-Industrial Complex: Trends in Domestic Job Creation, Working Conditions, and Organised Labour

On Wednesday 28th February, Taylor Barnes, from Inkstick Media, joined the Emerging Voices Network (EVN) to deliver an Expert Masterclass on ‘Eight Decades of the US Military-Industrial Complex: Trends in Domestic Job Creation, Working Conditions, and Organised Labour’. 

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Report: Crisis Prevention and Management in South Asia: Mutual Confidence, Risk, and Responsibility

‘Crisis Prevention and Management in South Asia: Mutual Confidence, Risk, and Responsibility’ emerged from a series of dialogues with the Indian and Pakistani nuclear policy communities at the Track 2 / 1.5 level held by the BASIC-ICCS Programme on Nuclear Responsibilities in 2023-2024.