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Making Sense of the Trident Debate Requires an Open Mind – In Defence of Emily Thornberry

It has always astounded me how little attention people have paid to risk and future developments when debating Trident. It's a debate that heats the passions up more than most, because it deals with such visceral things as security and morality, and acts as a proxy for political identity. All too often people revert to established positions, comfortable that they are right, even if they lose.

Why It’s Impossible to Hide Nuclear Work in 24 Days — Or 24 Years

 “One of the most misleading distortions being floated by political opponents of the Iran nuclear deal is the “24-day” loophole meme: Iran would be able to hide all evidence of any nefarious nuclear weapons work during the 24 days it may take inspectors to gain access to a suspicious site,” wrote Yousaf Butt in this commentary piece about Iran's nuclear program for Jakarta Globe.

Concern About Iran’s Parchin Facility Not Supported by Images

“With debate flaring in Washington over the July 14 agreement between Iran and world powers, some analysts and politicians say activities at Parchin underline the risks of entering into a deal with the Islamic Republic,” reports Jonathan Tirone from Bloomsberg Business on August 11, 2015.

BASIC executive director, Paul Ingram was quoted in the article as saying:  “Parchin is an active site and movement is inevitable. Attempting an impossible cleanup in full view of satellites and just before Congressional votes would be stretching conspiracy theories beyond breaking point.”