
Implications of President Obama’s speech in Berlin and nuclear strategy review

—Progress on nuclear reductions will require more successful engagement with Russia
President Barack Obama set out his second term nuclear agenda on June 19, 2013 in a major speech in Berlin, and in tandem released elements of his long-awaited Nuclear Weapons Employment Strategy. No major policy shifts were revealed in his speech, other than issuing the conclusion that the United States could reduce its deployed strategic nuclear arsenal down to about 1,000 warheads if Russia is willing to make similar reductions. The Obama Administration will need to proactively engage Russia and manage potential obstacles in Congress if he is to follow through on this agenda.

Iran Update 163

  • IAEA reports that Iran has added more centrifuges at underground enrichment facility, but additional centrifuges not operating
  • Iran and IAEA to resume talks on December 13th
  • Iran says willing to attend conference for Middle East zone free of weapons of mass destruction
  • Close calls regarding Israeli attacks on Iran come to light
  • Britain may not cooperate in any military attack by the United States and Israel
  • EU reinforcing sanctions against Iran
  • Iran fires upon U.S. drone
  • Iran’s nuclear power plant likely experiencing more problems