Political developments around nuclear weapons and the “butterfly effect”

During the past month or two, getting to zero has seemed to resemble the early phase of the butterfly effect of Chaos Theory. The thinking goes as follows: the movement of air caused by a butterfly flapping his wings could contribute to the formation of a hurricane, or other major weather event. Without that one extra factor of the flapping of the butterfly's wings, the event may not have occurred. Of course, the flapping of a butterfly's wings alone cannot cause a weather event.

German statesmen, US policy and opinion shapers declare support for world without nuclear weapons

During the past week, four prominent German statesmen, the new Chair of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, a Secretary-designate for the US Department of Energy, and a former lead researcher from one of the US national labs have all made strong public statements in support of the eventual goal of a world without nuclear weapons.

Event on nuclear weapons, security, and moral leadership

Speakers including Sergio Duarte, Tyler Wigg-Stevenson, Jonathan Granoff, Jonathan Schell, Naila Bolus, Douglas Roche, and Emilie Townes will contribute to a Yale Divinity School conference on Nuclear Weapons, Security, and Moral Leadership.

Title: Are we safe yet? Vulnerability and security in an anxious age

Date: September 18-19, 2008

Place: Yale Divinity School, New Haven, Connecticut