Drone technology a threat to Trident submarines, MPs to be told

David Connett has written an article for the Independant based on the BASIC briefing published on underwater drone technologies. Both BASIC and Paul Ingram are both referenced in the article, which discusses how emerging drone technology is likely to render Trident useless by the time it is to be deployed into service. 

UK Disagrees With EU Saudi Trade Embargo

Alexander Mosesov from Sputnik News featured a story about the UK’s disagreement with the EU-Saudi trade embargo. The article argues that the reaction by the UK to the decision was predictable. Paul Ingram was quoted in the article saying,

“This response [to oppose the embargo] from the British government is absolutely predictable. There is a strong belief in Whitehall [the British civil service] that the British defense industry depends upon exports to Saudi Arabia, and the strategic support the UK gives to Riyadh benefits UK influence in the region”

Trident: the British question

The Guardian’s Ian Jack was briefed by Paul Ingram on November’s SDSR and vulnerabilities to Trident, before writing this in-depth review. It is a holistic article that touches on nine diverse topics which are part of the complex debate of Trident in the UK.