During the course of its work, the Commission will seek submissions of evidence from interested parties. Written submissions, with the permission of those submitting evidence, will be published here and organised by theme.These are the initial questions that we are seeking submissions on, and we will be adding more as the commission’s work progresses:
1) Should the UK remain a nuclear weapon state?
2) If it should, is Trident renewal the only or best option that the U.K. can and should pursue?
3) What more can and should the U.K do to more effectively promote global nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation and nuclear security?
We are now in the drafting stage of the Commission. To guarantee that we are able to take account of written evidence submitted to the Commission, we will need to receive it by the end of January 2013.
To submit evidence to the Trident Commission you can either e-mail [email protected] (please add ‘TRIDENT COMMISSION EVIDENCE’ in the subject title) or, post your submissions to:
3 Whitehall Court
London SW1A 2EL
Evidence has been received from:
- Rt Hon Lord Owen CH FRCP, MAY 2011
- Admiral Lord West, MAY 2011
- Commodore Tim Hare, JUNE 2011
- Bernard Jenkin MP, JULY 2011
- Dr Julian Lewis MP, JULY 2011
- The Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church, the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), the United Reformed Church, AUGUST 2011
- Admiral the Lord Boyce, SEPTEMBER 2011
- Bruce Kent, Vice-President of CND, SEPTEMBER 2011
- David Broucher, Former UK Ambassador to the Conference on Disarmament and Head of the UK NPT Delegation, OCTOBER 2011
- Quaker Action St Andrews, NOVEMBER 2011
- Squadron Leader Dave Tisdale RAF (Retd) and Mr Christopher Samuel – Founder Members of DefenceSynergia, NOVEMBER 2011
- Nuclear Free Local Authorities, DECEMBER 2011
- Nuclear Information Service, JANUARY 2012
- Conservative Way Forward, APRIL 2012
- Ward Wilson, Senior Fellow at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies of the Monterey Institute, JUNE 2012
- Peter Cannon, The Henry Jackson Society, JUNE 2012
- United Nations Association of the UK, JULY 2012
- Nuclear Information Service, AUGUST 2012
- Tim Hare, DECEMBER 2012
- Rt Hon Lord David Owen, JANUARY 2013