Evidence submitted by UNA-UK

The United Nations Association of the UK has submitted evidence to the BASIC Trident Commission, seeking to address two of the Commission’s main questions that it is investigating.

On whether or not the UK should remain a nuclear weapon state, UNA-UK presents historical facts, and evidence of ethics, legality, threat perception, and national identity that are contained in the national debate on Trident. UNA-UK calls on the UK to demonstrate international leadership by urging all nuclear weapon states to engage in a process that will lead to the eventual removal of all nuclear weapons.

On what more the UK can do to effectively promote global nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation and nuclear security, UNA-UK encourages the UK to be a leader politically and practically on many of these security issues. UNA-UK urges the UK to set an example to the international community by significantly reducing the prominence of nuclear weapons in UK security doctrine and to build upon its recent history of transparency by announcing under what conditions it would pursue disarmament further.

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