UK Parliamentary Visit to Washington, DC to discuss prospects for multilateral nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation

This report summarizes the key issues and highlights around a visit by high level British Parliamentarians to Washington, DC. They met with Senators and senior Administration officials to discuss the prospects for nuclear disarmament and stronger non-proliferation. A brief summary and full report (PDF) are available below.

The Shadow NATO Summit: Options for NATO – pressing the reset button on the strategic concept

NATO officials, civil society and policy experts gathered to examine the organization’s future and explore how civil society groups and parliamentarians could advance NATO-related policies and actions.

This event was organized by NATO Watch, BASIC, Bertelsmann-Stiftung, and ISIS-Europe, with support from the Marmot Charitable Trust.

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Political developments around nuclear weapons and the “butterfly effect”

During the past month or two, getting to zero has seemed to resemble the early phase of the butterfly effect of Chaos Theory. The thinking goes as follows: the movement of air caused by a butterfly flapping his wings could contribute to the formation of a hurricane, or other major weather event. Without that one extra factor of the flapping of the butterfly's wings, the event may not have occurred. Of course, the flapping of a butterfly's wings alone cannot cause a weather event.