‘Arctic Diplomacy at a Crossroads: Addressing Present and Future Geopolitical and Strategic Risk’ was written…
BASIC Brief: Burevestnik
A BASIC Brief on Russia’s development of the Burevestnik nuclear powered cruise missile – what is it, how does it work, and does it change the strategic calculus?
Anthology: De-siloing Existential Threats: Challenging Identity, Power, and Inclusivity in the Nuclear Policy Field
Read the Emerging Voices Network’s (EVN) latest report, in which five EVN Working Groups provide a range of policy recommendations and valuable insights into the current challenges and issues that concern emerging researchers and young professionals in the nuclear policy field.
Report: Regional Youth Perspectives on the NPT Review Process
Nine early career leaders from across the globe steered an early-career / youth consultation on the NPT review processes over the past four months. The aim of this project was to explore the regional barriers to, as well as opportunities for engagement of early career professionals with the NPT.
Report: Nuclear Medicine Technologies for Global Health
In 2022, BASIC, the University of Bristol, Imperial College London, The Open University and Rolls-Royce jointly convened a multistakeholder roundtable. After the policy case explored in the first roundtable in 2021, the purpose of the 2022 roundtable was to identify whether there were technologies that might conceivably meet the policy case.
Compendium: Crisis Communications: Indian and Pakistani Perspectives on Responsible Practices
‘Crisis Communications: Indian and Pakistani Perspectives on Responsible Practices’ is a compendium of essays written by Indian and Pakistani nuclear policy experts and journalists that explore how the two countries can communicate in ways that help prevent crisis escalation at different levels of interaction. Edited by Rabia Akhtar, Chiara Cervasio, Ruhee Neog, Alice Spilman, and Nicholas J. Wheeler.
Report: Nuclear Diplomacy Crossroads: What Future for the Stockholm Initiative in the Eleventh NPT Review Cycle?
Between May 2022 and January 2023, BASIC and Emergent Change facilitated three roundtables on the Stepping Stones Approach. Read the report here.
Report: Exploring Nuclear Risk Reduction Pathways in Southern Asia through Nuclear Responsibilities
In March 2023, BASIC and the Institute for Conflict, Cooperation and Security (ICCS) at the University of Birmingham organised ‘Nuclear Responsibilities and Nuclear Crises in Southern Asia: Preventing Escalation through a Responsibility-Based Regime in the Asia-Pacific’. Read the report here.