
Khan’s network just keeps going and going and going…

The Jerusalem Post ran an article September 20, which may very well be the first article, linking whatever it was in Syria that was attacked by Israel in early September, to wider nuclear proliferation concerns. The article by Yaakov Katz stated:

This week, Khan's name again made headlines – this time over suspicions that his black-market ring was behind the supply of nuclear technology and material to the facility that Israel – according to foreign news reports – bombed two weeks ago in northern Syria.

Khan? I’ll get back to you on that

Since I just blogged about Iran I’m thinking what does it say about American intelligence abilities that some of the best information on Iran’s nuclear program and, for that matter, Khan’s network, has come from private sources. Now I’ve got nothing against private sources; in fact, I’ve long been a huge proponent of increased reliance on OSINT. But it does raise the issue of how effective and interested the US government is in taking out clandestine nuclear trafficking networks.