On November 16th 2022, BASIC, the University of Bristol, Imperial College London, The Open University and Rolls-Royce jointly convened a multistakeholder roundtable at the Royal Society in London. After the policy case explored in the first roundtable in 2021, the purpose of the 2022 roundtable was to identify whether there were technologies that might conceivably meet the policy case. This roundtable took place a year after the first, titled, ‘Ultra-Proliferation-Resistant Medical Isotope Reactors for the Global South’, which explored the policy cases for the PREMIER proposal, presented by Professor Nuttall.
The objectives of this latest roundtable were to address the concerns raised during the first roundtable, discuss the technological criteria required for such a technology to be exported without proliferation risks, and the alternative models of supply to address the current system of supply’s limitations. The meeting was attended by a combination of policy and technical experts from the British government, civil society, academia, the private sector, nuclear science and technology, non-proliferation and the wider nuclear policy community. The meeting was held under the Chatham House Rule.
Read the report below: