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Report: Different Perceptions, Shared Understandings: Towards a Responsibility-Based Regime to Reduce Nuclear Risks in the Asia-Pacific

This report has been authored by Chiara Cervasio and Dr Rishi Paul

On March 13th and 14th 2022, BASIC and the Institute for Conflict, Co-operation and Security (ICCS) at the University of Birmingham facilitated an in-person track 1.5 nuclear responsibilities dialogue in Dubai. This event brought together officials and leading track 2 experts in groups informally representing four parties (three countries and one organisation): Australia, India, Pakistan, and ASEAN.

The purpose of the dialogue was to create a safe space for a meaningful exchange of views on states’ nuclear responsibilities in the Asia-Pacific, with the aim of promoting increased mutual understanding and opening up a new form of conversation between the participants – and the parties that they represented – based on the Nuclear Responsibilities Approach. It was hoped that such a dialogue might lead to new shared understandings of responsibilities that could inform new policies and practices of risk reduction in the Asia-Pacific.

From the dialogue, participants identified three main policy proposals, that were then ‘tested against reality’ separately by the two groups in order to determine their plausibility. The three proposals were: 

  1. Establishing a New, Multilateral Nuclear Security Summit Process
  2. UN Group of Governmental Experts on Missile Ranges and Terminology Definitions
  3. Ensuring Improved Communication During India-Pakistan Bilateral Crises 

Read more about the dialogue and the policy proposals in the report below: 

Cervasio Paul Front

Image: PxHere

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