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Report: Nuclear Diplomacy Crossroads: What Future for the Stockholm Initiative in the Eleventh NPT Review Cycle?

Between May 2022 and January 2023, BASIC and Emergent Change facilitated three roundtables on the Stepping Stones Approach. These focussed attention on: 

  1. The implications of the Russia-Ukraine war on the RevCon;
  2. Which Stepping Stones still held promise given a waning appetite around nuclear disarmament;
  3. The prospects for the Stockholm Initiative making a constructive impact at the RevCon; and
  4. What role(s) it could play beyond August 2022.

The findings of the workshops inform the content of this report, alongside observations and opinions arising from numerous direct engagements with officials in the development of the Stockholm Initiative. The workshops all surfaced some important interpretations of developments in the last Review cycle and ideas that could be built upon in this one. There was strong consensus that the 2010 Action Plan remains highly relevant, reflected explicitly in the 2022 draft Final Document, as well as in its many items that developed the 2010 themes. 

The Stockholm Initiative is at a crossroad. Whilst optimism for progress in the current environment is low, the need for the Stockholm Initiative is stronger than ever and there appears to be confidence that the initiative is one of the most important contributions to diplomacy between the nuclear weapon and non-nuclear weapon states.

Read the report here: 

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