
Launch of the Trident Commission’s concluding report

BASIC set up the Trident Commission in 2011 as an inquiry into Britain’s nuclear weapon policy. Its final report, published today, represents the collective views of the eight Commission members after engaging in an intense three-year process. The primary purpose of this report is to contribute to an informed and deeper debate on Trident renewal that focuses on national security in its widest sense. We are experiencing rapid strategic change in this century and the relevance of our major defence investments to tomorrow’s threats must be analysed across a wide range of considerations.

Throughout the three-year process, the Trident Commission focused on three critical questions in particular, under a national security framework:

  1. Should the United Kingdom continue to be a nuclear weapons state?
  2. If so, is Trident the only or best option for delivering the deterrent?
  3. What more can and should the United Kingdom do to facilitate faster progress on global nuclear disarmament?

The final conclusions of the Trident Commission can be found here:

The Commission’s conclusions were informed by a range of contributions, submitted evidence, and background briefings, some of which are being published today alongside the final report and can be found here:

BASIC has a clear mandate to promote global nuclear disarmament, and has tended to publish opinions in the past highly critical of the British government and of positions similar to those expressed in this report. However, our model of change and approach is centred around finding ways to build constructive engagement between individuals with diverse perspectives in order to find commonalities and areas where we can make progress. We stand resolutely by the publication of the Trident Commission’s final report as a valuable contribution to the debate in this country at this crucial moment in the renewal cycle. We expect it to stimulate a deeper level of debate within the national security frame that is highly relevant to national decision-makers.

That being said, BASIC today also publishes its own interpretation of the Commission’s concluding report, which can be found here:

For more information, please visit the Trident Commission webpage.

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