- Are UK commitments to the SSBN now irreversible?, Paul Ingram, BASIC This Week, October 29, 2012
- Scotland: questioning nuclear weapons and NATO membership, Paul Ingram, BASIC This Week, October 15, 2012
- Labour Party defence in the debate on Trident, Rachel Staley, BASIC This Week, October 1, 2012
- Entente Nucléaire, Bruno Tertrais, BASIC Trident Commission Briefing, June 25, 2012
- Trident In Question, Paul Ingram, BASIC This Week, May 29, 2012
- Defence-Industrial Issues: Employment, Skills, Technology and Regional Impacts, Keith Hartley, BASIC Trident Commission Briefing, March 21, 2012
- Beyond the UK: Trends in the Other Nuclear Armed States, Ian Kearns, BASIC Trident Commission Briefing, October 31, 2011
- Nuclear Weapons, the State of Play in 2011. Briefings on Nuclear Security 1. BASIC, alongside Pugwash and Acronym, has launched a series of background briefings targeted at British MPs on the UK’s nuclear weapons policy and its context, July 2011.
- Deterrence in the Age of Nuclear Proliferation. Briefings on Nuclear Security 2. BASIC, Pugwash and Acronym. This is the second of the series of background briefings targeted at British MPs on the UK’s nuclear weapons policy and its context, July 2011.
- Trident: The Initial Gate Decision. Briefings on Nuclear Security 3. BASIC, Pugwash and Acronym. This third briefing on Nuclear Security focuses on the Government’s announcement of the passing of the Initial Gate decision for the Trident renewal project on 18 May, 2011
- Recent Progress in Nuclear Disarmament and Security: Britain’s Key Role. Briefings on Nuclear Security 4. BASIC, Pugwash and Acronym. This is the fourth of the series of background briefings targeted at British MPs on the UK’s nuclear weapons policy and its context, July 2011.
- What’s Next with Trident in the United States?
Chris Lindborg and Christopher Carr
This brief reviews the United States’ strategic nuclear submarine program within the context of U.S. and U.K. plans for replacing their fleets, April 2011.
It is time to reassess options for the replacement of the Trident nuclear missile submarines in the light of indications that the capital cost, to be funded from the Defence Ministry’s core budget, could run to 28 billion pounds over the next 10-15 years. But Ingram and Ritchie also argue that it would be a mistake to base a decision on cost alone, August 27, 2010. - US General says UK to get rid of Trident, Paul Ingram, February 2, 2009.
- The UK Trident Vote Explained, Dr. Ian Davis, BASIC Notes, March 15, 2007.
- Don’t Rush: Premature replacement of Trident could be costly. The choice is clear: invest the money proposed for an early decision on Trident replacement in better equipment, pay and conditions for our troops. BASIC Trident Briefing Number 3, March 2007.
- Don’t Rush: The benefits of not replacing Trident could be considerable. On March 14 Parliament will decide whether the UK commits now to building a new generation of nuclear-armed submarines. But what kind of relationship do we want to have with the rest of the world? BASIC Trident Briefing Number 2, March 2007.
- Oceans of Work: Arms Conversion Revisited, by Dr. Steven Schofield, January 24, 2007. The government launched its White Paper on Trident replacement on 4th December and announced a debate and vote in the Commons for March. This report puts the alternative case for arms conversion as integral to a ‘national needs’ program of civil R&D and manufacture, including major investment in off-shore renewable energy, both for security of supply and to help tackle the growing international threat for climate change.
- UK Trident Replacement: too important to rush into, December 14, 2006. In a White Paper published on December 4, 2006 the Government decided to maintain the current Trident-based nuclear deterrent by procuring a new class of submarines. There are several reasons for believing that this decision is premature and can be delayed for a further 8-10 years. There are also significant military, strategic, procurement and diplomatic benefits to holding off a decision for another parliament. Given these advantages, the onus was on the Government to justify such an early decision.
- Decisions over the future of British Nuclear Weapons
(BASIC Green Paper on Trident replacement, Presented to Parliament by the Chair of the British American Security Information Council.), December 1, 2006.
- The Ultimate Lecture: Anthropology 101, a video by the Beyond Trident group.