On 21 January, the APPG on Global Security and Non-Proliferation held a meeting to discuss the UK’s approach to global non-proliferation and disarmament diplomacy.
All Party Parliamentary Group

Preventing Proliferation in Iran and North Korea: After Singapore and US Sanctions
On 20 November, the APPG on Global Security and Non-Proliferation held a meeting to discuss the state of US relations with Iran and North Korea following the Singapore summit and reinstatement of US sanctions against Iran.

What Next for the INF Treaty?
On 31 October, the APPG on Global Security and Non-Proliferation held a meeting to discuss the future of the INF Treaty, following President Trump announcing his intention to withdraw.
After the NATO Summit: Prospects for the Alliance
On 18 August, the APPG on Global Security and Non-Proliferation held a meeting to discuss the future of the transatlantic alliance after the NATO and Helsinki Summits

Attributing Chemical Weapons Use: The Future of the OPCW
On 16 August, the APPGs on the United Nations and on Global Security and Non-Proliferation held a joint meeting on the future of the Chemical Weapons Convention.