13 February 2019:
APPG briefing with Beatrice Fihn, Executive Director of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and Tom Plant, Director of Proliferation and Nuclear Policy, RUSI on the Ban Treaty and the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
29 January 2019:
APPG meeting on 'Russian Perspectives on Arms Control and Strategic Stability' with Dmitri Trenin, Director of the Carnegie Moscow Center.
24 January 2019:
APPG briefing with UK Ambassador to the Conference on Disarmament, Ambassador Liddle and Head of the Counter-Proliferation and Arms Control Centre at the FCO, Sarah Price on the UK's Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Diplomacy.
20 November 2018:
APPG meeting on 'Preventing Proliferation in Iran and North Korea' with Mark Fitzpatrick, Executive Director Americas Office, IISS, and Sir Richard Dalton, former British Ambassador to Iran.
31 October 2018:
APPG meeting on the future of the INF Treaty with Desmond Bowen, Associate Fellow IISS, Dr Katarzyna Kubiak, Research Fellow ELN and Dr Kori Schake, Deputy Director General IISS.
18 July 2018:
APPG meeting on ‘After the NATO Summit: Prospects for the Alliance’ with Dr Kori Schake, Deputy Director-General, IISS and Professor Malcolm Chalmers, Deputy Director-General RUSI.
16 July 2018:
AGM and Government briefing on the Chemical Weapons Convention’s Special Session of the Conference of States Parties with Earl Howe, Minister of State for Defence, Sarah Price, Head of the Counter-Proliferation and Arms Control Centre FCO and Dr Richard Guthrie, Independent CBW analyst. Jointly hosted by the UN APPG.
7 June 2018:
Roundtable with Dr Brad Roberts, Director of Research at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory on emerging threats to strategic stability and arms control.
17 May 2018:
Government briefing on the 2018 NPT Preparatory Committee with Sarah Price, Head of the Counter-Proliferation and Arms Control Centre FCO and James Franklin, Head of Policy in DG Nuclear MoD. Jointly hosted by the UN APPG.
26 April 2018:
APPG meeting with Prof Alistair Hayes, Professor of Environmental Toxicology and Dr Richard Guthrie, independent CBW analyst on ‘Salisbury, Syria and the Chemical Weapons Convention'.
19 April 2018:
Roundtable discussion with Mark Fitzpatrick, Executive Director to IISS-Americas on the North Korean and Iranian nuclear crisis.
20 March 2018:
Roundtable discussion with Zamir Akram, Advisor to Pakistan’s Strategic Plan Division on Pakistan’s nuclear posture.
6 March 2018:
APPG meeting on ‘The US Nuclear Posture Review: Implications for International Security’ with Łukasz Kulesa and Dr Matthew Harries.
1 March 2018:
APPG meeting with Dr Chris Ford, US Assistant Secretary for International Security and Nonproliferation on US nuclear weapons and nonproliferation policy.
22 January 2018:
Roundtable discussion with Izumi Nakamitsu, UN Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs on ‘The nuclear non-proliferation regime: the evolving context’.
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