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Linking nuclear weapons and climate change

Monday, June 08, 2015 (All day)

As part of BASIC\’s Next Generation Project, BASIC Executive Director Paul Ingram and Greenpeace campaigner Louise Edge led a discussion exploring the links between the nuclear weapons debate and the climate change debate, and the political and public perceptions of both in a roundtable setting for emerging policy makers and members of our next generation shapers network.

Climate change has become more integrated into social discourse and modern popular culture. Through education, experience and the ability to have a direct impact, the climate change debate was recognised among participants as being further developed within the minds of the general public and lifestyles. We have a personal sense of contribution to the problem, and to the solutions.

This discussion left many with more questions than answers regarding the distinctions and interactions between climate change and nuclear weapons and about how to make progress. This highlighted the true complexity of these issues, demonstrating the need for active cooperation across multilateral platforms.

We would be interested to hear your thoughts following the discussion, particularly on questions such as: What are the main barriers to action on climate change and nuclear weapons? Who are the main stakeholders in each discussion? Does the presence of nuclear weapons affect global cooperation to tackle other challenges, like climate change?

If you would like to be involved in researching these questions please contact [email protected].

A summary article of the roundtable event can be found here.

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