Selection of international reactions, including official statements and remarks, to the recent Iran nuclear agreement.
United Kingdom:
- Foreign Secretary Rt Hon William Hague MP Statement to the House of Commons on Iran, November 25, 2013,“Reaching this interim agreement was a difficult and painstaking process, and there is a huge amount of work to be done to implement it. But the fact that we have achieved for the first time in nearly a decade an agreement that halts and rolls back Iran’s nuclear programme, should give us heart that this work can be done and that a comprehensive agreement can be attained. The bringing together of this agreement with all five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council united behind it, in itself sends a powerful signal.
So while it is only a beginning, there is no doubt that this is an important, necessary and completely justified step, which through its restrictions on Iran’s nuclear programme gives us the time to negotiate a comprehensive settlement.”
- British ambassador Peter Westmacott: Now is the time for diplomacy with Iran, Sir Peter Westmacott, The Hill, November 20, 2013, “Now is the time for diplomacy. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif is a tough negotiator, but a constructive one. The interim deal on the table opens up the prospect of a comprehensive settlement in the coming months. It is significantly better than the status quo. We will not get a better deal by altering the dynamics now — still less by offering the naysayers in Tehran a chance to question the good faith of the P5+1 and of Iran’s own negotiators.”
- Statement by French President Francois Hollande, November 24, 2013,“The French President welcomes the conclusion of negotiations in Geneva on the Iranian nuclear programme. It represents a step towards ending Iran’s military nuclear programme, and thus towards normalizing our relations with Iran. France will continue to mobilize its efforts to achieve a final agreement on this issue. The interim agreement is an important step in the right direction”.
United States:
- Statement by President Barack Obama, November 23, 2013,
“As we go forward, the resolve of the United States will remain firm, as will our commitments to our friends and allies –- particularly Israel and our Gulf partners, who have good reason to be skeptical about Iran’s intentions. Ultimately, only diplomacy can bring about a durable solution to the challenge posed by Iran’s nuclear program…I have a profound responsibility to try to resolve our differences peacefully, rather than rush towards conflict. Today, we have a real opportunity to achieve a comprehensive, peaceful settlement, and I believe we must test it.”
European Union:
- Catherine Ashton, High Representative, EU External Action Service, Joint Statement with Iran Foreign Minister Zarif, November 23, 2013,“The adoption of the joint plan of action was possible thanks to a sense of mutual respect and a determination to find a way forward which is beneficial for all of us…the implementation of this first step creates the time and environment needed for a comprehensive solution, which remains the shared goal and on which talks will begin soon. The work on the implementation of this first step will begin shortly. We look forward to swift implementation, which we will jointly monitor, in close coordination with the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). Today’s agreement is a significant step towards developing our relationship in a more constructive way.”
- Government Statement: November 24, 2013, Unofficial translation, original version in Spanish:“The agreement represents an important step toward the normalization of relations between the international community and Iran and toward a general agreement that promotes stability and security in the region.”
- Statement by Vladimir Putin following the conclusion of talks on the Iranian nuclear programme on November 24, 2013,“The outcome of the Geneva talks is a victory for all and shows once again that collective efforts in a spirit of mutual respect can produce answers to today’s international challenges and threats.”
- Statement by Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, November 25, 2013,’s-remarks-at-the-start-of-the-weekly-Cabinet-meeting-24-Nov-2013.aspx“What was achieved in Geneva is not an historic agreement; it is an historic mistake. Today the world has become a much more dangerous place.The permanent agreement with Iran must lead to one result: The dismantling of Iran’s military nuclear capability.”
Gulf States
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Qatar Welcomes Nuclear Deal Between Iran and International Community, November 24, 2013
- has welcomed the agreement reached at Geneva talks between Iran and the P5 +1 countries on Iran’s nuclear program. An official source at the Foreign Ministry in a statement to Qatar News Agency (QNA) described the agreement as an important step towards safeguarding peace and stability in the region. “The State of Qatar calls for making the Middle East a nuclear weapon-free zone,” the source said, stressing Qatar’s keenness on the stability and security in the region. He noted that the agreement is consistent with Qatar’s permanent stance that supports resolving the nuclear issue through negotiations and peaceful means.
United Arab Emirates Government:
- Statement: November 26, 2013,“The Cabinet welcomes the preliminary agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme, expressing the hope that it would represent a step towards a permanent agreement that would preserve the stability of the region and protect it from tension and the danger of nuclear proliferation.”
- Government Statement November 24, 2013“The Kingdom of Bahrain welcomes the interim agreement reached in the negotiations of the 5+1 group with the Islamic Republic of Iran in Geneva, which is in line with the positions and firm policies of the Kingdom of Bahrain that diplomatic solutions are the right path to ensuring stability and achieving international peace and security as well as make the Middle East a zone free of nuclear weapons, which complies with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, the objectives and principles of international conventions and the resolutions of the United Nations, the Islamic Conference and the Arab League.”
- Government Statement: Ministry of Information, Sultanate of Oman, November 2013,“The Sultanate of Oman hopes the interim agreement reached by Iran and the world powers in Geneva will contribute in achieving peace and stability in the region. The agreement marks a turning point in Iran’s relations with the West.”
- Government Statement
November 24, 2013,“Kuwait Sunday welcomed an agreement between Iran and the P5+1 group over the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program. The State of Kuwait “welcomes” the agreement that was reached today morning between the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (UNSC) plus Germany and Iran in Geneva, Foreign Undersecretary Khaled Al-Jarallah told KUNA (Kuwait’s National News Agency).He hoped the agreement would pave way for a permanent accord that would defuse tension, and preserves stability and security of the region. Al-Jarallah underscored importance of commitment to the agreement in order to achieve its objectives.”
Saudi Arabia:
Saudi Arabia welcomes Iran nuclear agreement, Al Jazeera, November 25, 2013
“The government of the kingdom sees that if there was goodwill, this agreement could represent a preliminary step towards a comprehensive solution to the Iranian nuclear programme.” –Statement from the Saudi Arabia cabinet
- Nuke deal leaves Iranian capability, Arab fears intact, USA Today, November 25, 2013,‘Abdullah al-Askar, chairman of Saudi Arabia’s appointed Shoura Council, a quasi-parliament that advises the government on policy, told the Daily Star in Lebanon. “I am afraid Iran will give up something to get something else from the big powers in terms of regional politics — and I’m worrying about giving Iran more space or a freer hand in the region…The government of Iran, month after month, has proven that it has an ugly agenda in the region, and in this regard no one in the region will sleep and assume things are going smoothly.”‘
Arab world welcomes Iran nuclear deal, Tehran Times, November 25, 2013,
“Egypt welcomed the agreement as a step toward a final agreement on the nuclear file of Iran. The Foreign Ministry spokesman said this step came in tandem with an Egyptian call to render the Middle East region free from weapons of mass destruction, the Egyptian State Information Service reported…Cairo hopes the step would mark a new stage in Iran’s relations with the Persian Gulf Arab countries.”
Mohamed ElBaradei, former IAEA Director General & former Egyptian Vice President via Twitter November 24, 2013:
“After decade of failed policies, world better off w/ Iran deal. Equity, trust building, respect & dialogue R key to any conflict resolution.”
Arabs not allied with Iran quiet over nuclear deal, USA Today, November 25, 2013,
“Syria believes the agreement is a sign that political solutions to crisis in the region are the best way forward for securing peace and stability in the region, not foreign intervention or use of force.”