Obama: NATO to erect missile shield for Europe

“In an astonishing demonstration of weakness, NATO heads of state have failed to tackle the Cold War legacy of the deployment of U.S. nuclear gravity bombs in Europe, threatening the credibility of NATO members’ claims to be interested in non-proliferation and global disarmament.”

Paul Ingram, BASIC’s executive director, quoted by The Associated Press. The full article is available online at The Kansan.com: http://www.thekansan.com/news/x1892563869/Obama-NATO-to-erect-missile-shield-for-Europe

Also published by:

The Christian Science Monitor http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Europe/2010/1119/NATO-targets-terrorism-cybersecurity-as-central-to-21st-century-mission

Lubbock Online http://lubbockonline.com/world/2010-11-20/obama-persuades-nato-erect-missile-shield-europe

Portland Press Herald http://www.pressherald.com/news/nationworld/nato-allies-agree-to-erect-missile-shield_2010-11-20.html

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