Press Release

Former US chief nuclear negotiator in London calls for zero nuclear weapons

Getting to Zero is an essential objective if we are to avoid the descent into nuclear proliferation

At a meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global Security and Non-Proliferation at Westminster earlier today Ambassador Max Kampelman reiterated an earlier call in January this year by US Secretaries Shultz, Kissinger, Perry and Senator Nunn to step back from the brink of nuclear anarchy.

Iran inside Iraq

The Iranian government is unlikely to be playing a decisive role in the sectarian warfare and insurgency in Iraq

The Iranian government is unlikely to be playing a decisive role in the sectarian warfare and insurgency in Iraq, says a new BASIC study released today. Iranian support for violence in Iraq: a review of the evidence concludes that although Iran has a considerable presence in Iraq, its role in the violence has been exaggerated.

Blair pressing to host American ‘Star Wars’ Interceptor missiles, and keeping Parliament in the dark (again)

BASIC calls for consultation, and for threat assessments and industrial studies to be declassified

UK and US governments have been holding discussions on basing a US anti-ballistic missile defence system on UK soil – and the UK Prime Minister is said to have personally lobbied the US President for the system. BASIC is calling for the government to make a public statement clarifying the position, committing to consultation, and declassifying threat assessments and industrial studies.

BASIC Co-Executive Director, Dr Ian Davis said: